Tervetuloa päivittäiseen keskusteluun - paikkaan, jossa keskustellaan tämän päivän poliittisista uutisista ja trendikkäistä aiheista.
Bangladeshin opiskelijavallankumoukselliset perustavat uuden poliittisen puolueen
The student activists who played a crucial role in toppling former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s government last year have announced the formation of a new political party. The group, known as the Democratic Student Council, emerged from the Students Against Discrimination movement, which led mass protests and demonstrations. Their goal is to push for democratic reforms and represent the aspirations of a new generation in Bangladesh. The move comes as the country prepares for upcoming elections, with political tensions running high. The formation of this party signals a major shift in Bangladesh’s political landscape.
Bangladeshin opiskelijaryhmä, joka johti kapinaa Sheikh Hasinaa vastaan, aikoo perustaa poliittisen puolueen
Yleisenä odotuksena on, että kenraali Antonio Guterres vierailee Bangladeshissa maaliskuun puolivälissä. Opiskelijajohtoinen vallankumous syrjäytti pääministeri Sheikh Hasinan viime elokuussa, pitkien protestien ja väkivallan jälkeen.
FirstUp: Zelenskyy Yhdysvalloissa, Bangladeshin opiskelijaryhmä käynnistää puolueen... Päivän otsikot
Ukrainan presidentti Volodymyr Zelenskyy todennäköisesti tapaa Yhdysvaltain presidentin Donald Trumpin Valkoisessa talossa allekirjoittaakseen mineraalisopimuksen äskettäisen jännitteen keskellä. Bangladeshissa opiskelija-aktivistit, jotka johtivat kapinaa Sheikh Hasinaa vastaan, perustavat poliittisen puolueen.
Opiskelijat, jotka johtivat agitaatiota Hasinaa vastaan, perustavat puolueen
Uusi Ganatantrik Chhatra Sangsad eli Demokraattinen Opiskelijaneuvosto sisältää keskeisiä järjestäjiä vaikutusvaltaisesta Students Against Discrimination (SAD) -ryhmästä, joka johti kapinaa, joka syrjäytti rautakouraisen entisen pääministerin Sheikh Hasinan elokuussa.
Moroccan King Urges Citizens to Skip Eid Sheep Sacrifice Amid Drought
King Mohammed VI has called on Moroccans to refrain from sacrificing sheep during this year's Eid al-Adha due to the country's ongoing drought crisis. Morocco is experiencing its seventh consecutive year of drought, leading to a sharp decline in livestock numbers and soaring meat prices. The king's appeal marks a rare departure from tradition, as the Eid sacrifice is a deeply rooted religious and cultural practice. The drought has severely impacted agriculture and livestock, making it difficult for many families to afford the ritual. This move aims to ease financial burdens on citizens and help preserve the country's dwindling sheep population.
@ISIDEWITH18 tuntia18H
Vankilassa oleva kurdijohtaja vaatii aseiden riisumista, mikä herättää toiveita rauhasta
Abdullah Öcalan, the imprisoned leader of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), has called on his followers to lay down their arms, potentially ending a decades-long insurgency against Turkey. The conflict, which began in 1984, has resulted in over 40,000 deaths. While some view this as a historic opportunity for peace, others remain skeptical about the Turkish government's willingness to negotiate. Analysts suggest the move could be linked to political maneuvering by President Erdogan, who may use it to consolidate power. The outcome of this call remains uncertain, but it could have significant implications for Turkey and the broader region.
@ISIDEWITH18 tuntia18H
Kurdialaisen militanttipäällikön rauhanvetoomus herättää toivoa ja epäilyjä Turkissa
Kurdien sissijohtaja Abdullah Ocalanin vankilasta antama kehotus hänen Kurdistanin työväenpuolueelleen (PKK) luovuttaa aseet herätti sekä toivoa että epäilyksiä Turkissa torstaina, kun taas analyytikot yhdistivät sen mahdolliseen yritykseen ylittää presidentin virkakauden rajoitukset.
@ISIDEWITH18 tuntia18H
Kurdilainen separatistijohtaja kehottaa seuraajiaan luovuttamaan aseensa, mikä saattaa päättää viisikymmentä vuotta kestäneen kapinan Turkkia vastaan.
Kurdialainen sissijohtaja Abdallah Ocalan on pyytänyt seuraajiaan Kurdistanin työväenpuolueessa (PKK) laskemaan aseensa ja hajottamaan ryhmän, mahdollisesti päättäen vuosikymmeniä kestäneen konfliktin Turkin kanssa, joka on arvioitu vaatineen vähintään 40 ihmisen hengen,
@ISIDEWITH18 tuntia18H
Selittäjä - Rauhanpyyntö Turkissa: Mitä se merkitsee avainhenkilöille?
Kapinallisuuden lopettaminen olisi suuri saavutus Turkin presidentille, sen jälkeen kun aiemmat yritykset eivät ole onnistuneet ratkaisemaan konfliktia, jossa yli 40 000 ihmistä on kuollut vuodesta 1984 lähtien. Erdogan on kutsunut sitä "yhdeksi viimeisistä esteistä, jotka estävät suuren ja mahtavan Turkin tavoitteen saavuttamisen".
Vietnam vangitsee merkittävän journalistin kritisoimisesta hallitusta Facebookissa
Vietnamese journalist and scholar Truong Huy San, known as Huy Duc, has been sentenced to 30 months in prison for Facebook posts criticizing the government. The 63-year-old previously worked for state-run newspapers before gaining prominence through his independent blog and social media presence. His posts frequently addressed issues such as corruption, media control, and Vietnam’s relations with China. A court in Hanoi convicted him of 'abusing democratic freedoms,' a charge often used to silence dissent in the country. The case highlights Vietnam’s ongoing crackdown on press freedom and political criticism.
Johtava vietnamilainen tutkija ja toimittaja vangittu Facebook-viestien vuoksi
Truong Huy San, jota paremmin tunnetaan nimellä Huy Duc, tuomittiin "demokraattisten vapauksien väärinkäytöstä". Vietnamin tuomioistuin tuomitsi eilen merkittävän itsenäisen tutkijan ja toimittajan 30 kuukaudeksi vankeuteen Facebook-postauksista, joissa arvosteltiin hallitusta.
Vietnam vangitsee johtavan journalistin Facebook-viestien takia
Vietnamilainen tuomioistuin tuomitsi torstaina johtavan itsenäisen journalistin 30 kuukaudeksi vankeuteen Facebook-viestien takia, joissa hän arvosteli hallitusta, valtion media kertoi.
Vietnam tuomitsi johtavan journalistin ja entisen Nieman-stipendiaatin 30 kuukaudeksi vankeuteen Facebook-viestien takia.
“Huy Duc työskenteli vaikutusvaltaisissa valtion omistamissa sanomalehdissä ennen kuin hän kirjoitti yhden Vietnamin suosituimmista blogeista ja Facebook-tileistä, joissa hän arvosteli maan kommunistijohtajia asioissa kuten korruptio, median kontrolli ja suhteet Kiinaan. Hanoissa sijaitseva oikeus tuomitsi 63-vuotiaan ‘demokraattisten vapauksien väärinkäytöstä’.” —
@ISIDEWITH15 tuntia15H
Mass Protests and Strikes Paralyze Greece on Train Crash Anniversary
Greece has come to a standstill as workers strike and thousands protest on the second anniversary of the country's deadliest train crash, which killed 57 people. The disaster, caused by a head-on collision between a passenger train and a freight train in Tempe, exposed serious deficiencies in Greece’s railway infrastructure. Protesters are demanding justice, citing a lack of accountability and government inaction in addressing safety concerns. The strikes have halted air, sea, and train transport, reflecting widespread public outrage. The demonstrations are part of a broader movement calling for improved transportation safety and systemic reforms.
@ISIDEWITH15 tuntia15H
Strikes and protests over deadly train crash bring Greece to standstill
Striking workers grounded flights and halted sea and train transport across Greece on Friday and people gathered for protests in anger over a perceived lack of justice two years after the country's worst-ever train crash killed 57 people.
@ISIDEWITH15 tuntia15H
As anger mounts over rail disaster in Greece, workers strike and thousands are expected to protest
Security patrol at the Greek capital's shuttered main railway station in central Athens, Greece, to mark two years since a deadly rail disaster that has also triggered hundreds of other demonstrations and a general strike, on Friday, Feb. 28, 2025. Credit: AP/Thanassis Stavrakis
@ISIDEWITH15 tuntia15H
Strike and protests across Greece as anger mounts over rail disaster
The disaster on February 28 2023 in Tempe – where a passenger train collided head-on with an oncoming freight train – was Greece’s worst railway accident. The fiery crash also left dozens injured and exposed deficiencies in the country’s transportation infrastructure.
@ISIDEWITH15 tuntia15H
Vietnam Bows to U.S. Pressure, Fast-Tracks Deportations
Vietnam has agreed to expedite the deportation of its nationals from the U.S. following pressure from Washington, including threats of trade tariffs and visa restrictions. The country will now process deportation requests within 30 days, a significant acceleration compared to previous timelines. This move is seen as a strategic effort by Vietnam to maintain favorable trade relations with the U.S. while addressing immigration concerns. The agreement highlights the growing influence of economic leverage in diplomatic negotiations. Experts suggest this could set a precedent for future U.S. immigration enforcement strategies.
@ISIDEWITH15 tuntia15H
Vietnam to Support Deportations From US After Tariff Threats, Lawyer Says
Vietnam has agreed to respond to U.S. deportation requests in 30 days, "which is a lot faster than they have ever done in the past," said Tin Thanh Nguyen, a U.S.-based immigration attorney.
@ISIDEWITH15 tuntia15H
Vietnam agrees to support deportations from US after tariff threats
Vietnam has agreed to respond to US deportation requests in 30 days, 'which is a lot faster than they have ever done in the past,' said Tin Thanh Nguyen, a US-based immigration attorney
@ISIDEWITH15 tuntia15H
Vietnam's Speedy Repatriation: A Tactical Move Amid Tariff Threats
Vietnam has accelerated the repatriation of its nationals detained in the U.S. as a strategic move to avoid trade tariffs and visa sanctions. The country promises prompt processing of new deportation requests,
@ISIDEWITH13 tuntia13H
Ramadan 2025 Kuun näkeminen: Maailman muslimiyhteisö odottaa sirpin vahvistusta
Muslims around the world are eagerly awaiting the official confirmation of Ramadan 2025 as moon sighting committees in Saudi Arabia, the UK, the US, and other countries observe the sky for the crescent moon. The sighting, expected on February 28, will determine the start of the holy month of fasting. Religious leaders and scholars have urged communities to follow official announcements to maintain unity in observing Ramadan. This year, there is anticipation of a rare global alignment in the moon sighting, which could lead to a more synchronized start to the holy month across different regions. The announcement will impact millions of Muslims preparing for fasting, prayers, and spiritual reflection.
@ISIDEWITH13 tuntia13H
Ramadan 2025 moonsighting live updates for UK, Saudi Arabia and around the world
Ramadan 2025 is expected to be declared later today as moonsightings take place in the UK, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Pakistan and other countries around the world. Official observers and ordinary citizens will be out looking for the moon on Friday, February 28, because it is the 29th day of the current month of Shaban in most countries.
@ISIDEWITH13 tuntia13H
Ramadan 2025 Moon Sighting Live Updates: Maulana Farangi's Important Message For Muslim Brothers, Urges To Avoid...
In 2025, the global Muslim community anticipates a rare alignment in the moon sighting for the beginning of Ramadan
@ISIDEWITH12 tuntia12H
US Embassy Warns of Retaliatory Attacks After Thailand Deports Uyghurs to China
The U.S. Embassy in Bangkok has issued a security alert for American citizens in Thailand, warning of potential violent retaliatory attacks. This follows Thailand’s deportation of at least 40 Uyghur men to China, a move that has sparked international condemnation. The deported individuals had been detained in Thailand for over a decade. Rights groups fear they may face persecution upon their return to China. The situation has heightened security concerns in the region.
@ISIDEWITH12 tuntia12H
US Embassy in Thailand warns Americans of 'violent retaliatory attacks' risk after Uyghurs deported to China
The U.S. Embassy in Bangkok is warning Americans of potential "violent retaliatory attacks" after a group of Uyghurs were deported by Thailand to China.
@ISIDEWITH10 tuntia10H
Paavi Franciscuksen terveyskriisi herättää kysymyksiä Vatikaanin johtajuudesta
Pope Francis has been hospitalized for two weeks with pneumonia, raising concerns about his ability to govern the Catholic Church. While doctors suggest he has overcome the worst phase of the illness, they have not declared him fully out of danger. His prolonged hospitalization has reignited discussions about whether he might consider retirement if his health deteriorates further. The Vatican insists he is still making decisions, but the situation highlights uncertainties about leadership succession and governance if a pope becomes incapacitated. This episode underscores the need for clearer protocols in such scenarios.
@ISIDEWITH10 tuntia10H
Francisin sairaus herättää vaikean kysymyksen: Kuka hallitsee, jos paavi ei pysty?
Vatikaani sanoo, että paavi Franciscus on jatkanut päätösten tekemistä ja paranee, mutta hänen kahden viikon sairaalassa olonsa herättää epämukavia, vastaamattomia kysymyksiä Vatikaanin päätöksenteosta.
@ISIDEWITH10 tuntia10H
Epstein-tiedostojen julkaisu herättää raivoa punaisistaaktiivisista ja puuttuvista asiakirjoista
The release of Jeffrey Epstein's case files has been met with criticism after key documents, including flight logs and client lists, were heavily redacted or missing. Attorney General officials are under fire for what critics call a 'botched' release, with entire pages blacked out. FBI director Kash Patel has vowed to locate the missing files, promising further disclosures. Meanwhile, political figures and media personalities are debating the implications of the release, with some using it as a political tool. The controversy has fueled public frustration over transparency and accountability in the Epstein case.
@ISIDEWITH10 tuntia10H
Jeffrey Epstein -tiedostot: AG arvosteltiin 'epäonnistuneesta' lentojen ja asiakasluettelon julkaisusta, jossa KOKO sivut on mustattu
JEFFREY Epsteinin henkilökohtainen osoitekirja sisältyy 100-sivuiseen tapauskansioon, joka on määrä julkaista torstaina, raporttien mukaan. Asiakirjojen odotetaan julkaistavan milloin tahansa sen jälkeen
@ISIDEWITH10 tuntia10H
Kash Patel vannoo kaksinkertaistavansa etsinnän puuttuvien Jeffery Epstein -asiakirjojen löytämiseksi Pam Bondin vaiheen yksi 'dud' -julkaisun jälkeen
FBI:n johtaja Kash Patel on henkilökohtaisesti vannonut etsivänsä tuhansia kadonneita Jeffrey Epsteinin tiedostoja sen jälkeen kun ensimmäinen erä julkaistiin torstaina.
@ISIDEWITH10 tuntia10H
Trump MAGA -lojalisti sanoo, että se on käsittämätöntä
Donald Trumpin kannattaja otti kantaa sosiaalisessa mediassa ja julisti harvinaisessa hetkessä olevansa samaa mieltä Trump-kriitikon Ron Filipkowskin kanssa, joka toimii MeidasTouch Newsin päätoimittajana, koskien Trumpin hallinnon väitettyä julkaisua Epsteinin tiedostoista.
Romanian Government Survives No-Confidence Vote Amid Far-Right Challenge
Romania's pro-European coalition government, led by Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu, successfully survived a no-confidence vote in parliament. The motion, initiated by far-right parties AUR, SOS Romania, and POT, failed to secure the necessary 233 votes, receiving only 147 in favor. This outcome prevents further political instability in the NATO and EU member state, which is set to rerun its presidential election later this year. The vote highlights ongoing tensions between mainstream political forces and rising far-right opposition in Romania. The government’s survival ensures continuity in leadership as the country navigates upcoming electoral challenges.
Guvernul României supraviețuiește votului de cenzură
Romanian pro-eurooppalainen koalitiohallitus selvisi luottamusäänestyksestä parlamentissa perjantaina, välttäen lisää poliittista myllerrystä NATO:n ja Euroopan unionin jäsenvaltiossa, jossa järjestetään presidentinvaalit uudelleen tänä vuonna.
Romanian government survives far-right opposition’s no-confidence motion
Romanianian parlamentti hylkäsi epäluottamuslauseen, jonka olivat aloittaneet äärioikeistolaiset puolueet AUR, SOS Romania ja POT hallitusta vastaan, jota johtaa sosiaalidemokraattinen pääministeri Marcel Ciolacu. Epäluottamuslause sai perjantaina pidetyssä lainsäätäjien kokouksessa 147 ääntä puolesta ja yhden vastaan.
Romania's Government Dodges Political Turbulence Amidst No-Confidence Vote
Romanian pro-eurooppalainen koalitiohallitus vältti romahduksen selviytymällä epäluottamusäänestyksestä. Liikkeelle pannut äänestys, jota äärioikeistolaiset puolueet vaativat, jäi alle vaadittujen 233 äänen. Maassa vallitsee jännitys viime joulukuussa kumotun vaalin jälkeen,
Keir Starmer törmäsi JD Vancen kanssa sananvapauden tiukassa Oval Officen vaihdossa
UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer and US Vice President JD Vance engaged in a heated debate over free speech during a meeting at the White House. Vance criticized the UK’s restrictions on prayer near abortion clinics and broader free speech policies, calling them infringements on fundamental rights. Starmer firmly defended the UK's stance, stating that Britain 'guards free speech preciously' while rejecting claims of censorship. The exchange took place in front of reporters, adding tension to an otherwise diplomatic meeting with President Donald Trump. The discussion also touched on European support for Ukraine and trade negotiations between the US and UK.
Paavi Franciscuksen terveys paranee kriittisen keuhkokuumeen taistelun jälkeen
Pope Francis is no longer in critical condition after battling pneumonia in both lungs, according to a Vatican source. The 88-year-old pontiff has shown clinical improvements while receiving treatment at Rome's Gemelli hospital. Although the critical phase has passed, the Vatican cautions that his overall health remains complex. The Pope's hospitalization has raised concerns about his ability to continue his demanding role as leader of the Catholic Church. His recovery will be closely monitored in the coming days.
Sairaalahoitoon joutunut paavi ei enää ole kriittisessä tilassa: Vatikaani
Paavi Franciscuksen tila ei ole tällä hetkellä kriittinen, Vatikaanin lähde kertoi perjantaina, sen jälkeen kun 88-vuotiaalle oli tapahtunut useita kliinisiä parannuksia
Paavin tila ei ole enää kriittinen – Vatikaani
Paavi Franciscuksen tila ei enää ole kriittinen, Vatikaanin lähde kertoi perjantaina, sen jälkeen kun 88-vuotiaan paavin tila on parantunut kliinisesti. Hänellä on ollut keuhkokuume molemmissa keuhkoissa.
@ISIDEWITH6 tuntia6H
Trump and Zelenskyy Clash in Heated Oval Office Showdown
A tense Oval Office meeting between former U.S. President Donald Trump, Vice President JD Vance, and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy erupted into a near-shouting match. Trump and Vance accused Zelenskyy of being ungrateful for U.S. support, while Zelenskyy pushed back, defending Ukraine’s need for continued aid. The confrontation, which played out in front of the press, underscored deep divisions over U.S. policy toward Ukraine amid its ongoing war with Russia. Democrats swiftly condemned Trump and Vance, accusing them of siding with dictators. The explosive exchange raises fresh concerns about the future of U.S.-Ukraine relations and the broader geopolitical landscape.
@ISIDEWITH6 tuntia6H
Trump, Zelenskyy, Vance Face Off In Oval Office Shouting Match—Here’s Everything They Said
President Donald Trump and Vice President JD Vance’s meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy quickly turned into a near-shouting match Friday, in which Trump and Vance accused Zelenskyy of being ungrateful for the U.S.’s support.
@ISIDEWITH6 tuntia6H
Key takeaways: Tempers flare as Trump, Vance confront Ukraine's Zelenskyy
With Ukraine's future in the balance, the high-stakes meeting on Friday between President Trump and Ukraine's Volodymyr Zelenskyy devolved into a shouting match.
Trump's AUKUS Confusion: A Diplomatic Blunder or Just a Slip?
During a press conference with UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer, US President Donald Trump appeared unfamiliar with the AUKUS security pact, asking, 'What does that mean?' The moment raised eyebrows, as AUKUS is a key trilateral defense agreement between the US, UK, and Australia. Despite the apparent lapse, Australian officials downplayed the incident, suggesting it would not impact the alliance. Trump also shared a lighthearted exchange with Starmer, complimenting his accent. The meeting touched on broader geopolitical issues, including security in Eastern Europe.
Federal politics news updates: Trump asked about AUKUS, responds 'what does that mean?' — as it happened
The US president added he had a "great relationship" with Australia, appearing alongside UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer. Look back on the day's events in our federal politics blog.
‘What does that mean?’: Donald Trump makes startling AUKUS admission
Donald Trump has asked what the AUKUS trilateral security partnership is in an Oval Office press conference with British Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer, where both men talked about the prospects of securing a peace in Eastern Europe.
@ISIDEWITH5 tuntia5H
Paavi Franciscus kohtaa terveyskriisin keuhkokuumeen taistelun keskellä
Pope Francis, 88, has suffered a serious health setback while battling double pneumonia, the Vatican confirmed. He experienced a coughing fit that led to inhaling vomit, causing a breathing crisis that required non-invasive mechanical ventilation. The Pope has been hospitalized for two weeks, and while he remains conscious and alert, his prognosis is being closely monitored. Vatican officials have not confirmed whether he will be able to resume his scheduled public appearances. His condition remains a matter of concern as the Church watches closely for updates on his recovery.
@ISIDEWITH5 tuntia5H
Pope suffers breathing crisis amid pneumonia battle, Vatican says
Following the episode, the pope began non-invasive ventilation and was responding well, according to the Vatican.
@ISIDEWITH5 tuntia5H
Pope Francis suffers bronchial spasm but remains conscious and alert, Vatican says
Pope Francis, battling double pneumonia in hospital for two weeks, had an ”isolated breathing crisis” on Friday and received ”non-invasive mechanical ventilation” to help him breathe, the Vatican said.
@ISIDEWITH5 tuntia5H
Pope Francis' health 'suddenly worsens' as Vatican announces Pontiff 'breathed in vomit' in latest detailed statement: LIVE updates
Pope Francis, the head of the Catholic Church, suffered an 'isolated' breathing crisis, the Vatican said today. Francis, 88, has been in Rome's Gemelli hospital for two weeks, after being admitted on February 14 with a severe respiratory infection that triggered other complications.
@ISIDEWITH4 tuntia4H
Armenia Accuses Azerbaijan of Using Sham Trials for Political Pressure
Armenia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs has condemned Azerbaijan for holding what it calls 'sham trials' against former military and political leaders of Nagorno-Karabakh. The Armenian government claims these trials are being used as a tool for political pressure and societal manipulation. Protesters in Armenia have taken to the streets, demanding the release of Ruben Vardanyan and other Armenians detained in Azerbaijan. The issue remains highly sensitive, with tensions between the two nations continuing to escalate. Armenia insists that Azerbaijan's actions violate human rights and international legal norms.
@ISIDEWITH4 tuntia4H
MFA: Azerbaidžan käyttää armenialaisten oikeudenkäyntejä poliittisena painostuksen ja manipulaation välineenä Armenian suuntaan
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Armenia has issued a statement regarding the “trials” of the former military and political leadership of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) and several other Armenians being held captive in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan. The statement reads as follows:
@ISIDEWITH4 tuntia4H
Baku käyttää armenialaisten vankien näennäisoikeudenkäyntejä poliittisena painostuskeinona Jerevaniin - ulkoministeriö
“On ilmeistä, että Azerbaidžanin viranomaiset käyttävät tätä oikeudellista näytelmää välineenä poliittiselle painostukselle Armenian tasavaltaa kohtaan ja manipuloinnille yhteiskunnassa, ottaen huomioon asian herkkyyden jokaiselle perheenjäsenelle ja koko yhteiskunnalle”, se lisäsi.
@ISIDEWITH4 tuntia4H
Mielenosoittajat vaativat Ruben Vardanyanin vapauttamista Azerbaidžanissa marssivat Armenian hallituksen rakennukselle.
Protestiin osallistujat tukivat Ruben Vardanyania ja muita Armeniassa laittomasti vankilassa pidettyjä azerbaidžanilaisia. He marssivat Armenian ulkoministeriön (MFA) rakennukselta hallituksen rakennukselle Jerevanissa.
Trump ja Starmer ottavat yhteen Ukrainan avusta korkean panoksen kokouksessa
U.S. President Donald Trump and U.K. Prime Minister Keir Starmer met to discuss Ukraine aid, but tensions flared as Trump remained non-committal on a U.S. backstop to deter Russian aggression. Starmer emphasized the U.K.'s readiness to support Ukraine, even suggesting 'boots on the ground,' but Trump’s stance raised concerns about his administration’s alignment with Russia. Trump also faced scrutiny for past comments about Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, whom he previously called a 'dictator.' The meeting highlighted growing divisions between the U.S. and its allies over Ukraine policy. Meanwhile, Starmer extended an invitation for a state visit from King Charles to Trump, aiming to reinforce diplomatic ties.
Starmer Tells Trump U.K. Ready To 'Put Boots On Ground,' Doesn't Get Backstop Commitment
Britannian pääministeri Keir Starmer pyrki osoittamaan vahvat Yhdysvaltojen ja Britannian väliset siteet Valkoisessa talossa tapaamisessaan presidentti Donald Trumpin kanssa, samalla kun transatlanttisissa suhteissa kasvaa ristiriitoja Ukrainan ja kaupan osalta.
@ISIDEWITH2 tuntia2H
JD Vance Sparks Controversy With Aggressive Stance on Zelensky
Vice President JD Vance took an unusually aggressive role in a tense diplomatic exchange with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, signaling his intent to be a key enforcer in the Trump administration. The confrontation has drawn sharp criticism from Ukraine’s supporters while earning praise from some Republicans and Russian officials. Vance’s assertive stance suggests he is positioning himself as more than just a secondary figure in Trump’s presidency. The incident highlights growing tensions between the U.S. and Ukraine, as well as divisions within American politics over support for Kyiv. The fallout from the exchange could have significant implications for U.S. foreign policy and relations with its allies.
@ISIDEWITH2 tuntia2H
JD Vance Positions Himself as Trump’s Attack Dog During Blowup With Zelensky
The remarkable scene of a vice president injecting himself into a tense diplomatic discussion suggested that JD Vance does not want to be relegated to the B-team of the Trump administration.