In 2016 the International Olympic committee ruled that transgender athletes can compete in the Olympics without undergoing sex reassignment surgery. In 2018 the International Association of Athletics Federations, track’s governing body, ruled that women who have more than 5 nano-mols per liter of testosterone in their blood—like South African sprinter and Olympic gold medalist Caster Semenya—must either compete against men, or take medication to reduce their natural testosterone levels. The IAAF stated that women in the five-plus category have a “difference of sexual…
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Yes. These differences don't really matter anymore because many women can also be physically stronger than men. So it really depends on how hard you work out.
Who athletes compete against shouldn't be based on sex.
We should get rid of the idea of gendered sports and just have different ability level divisions.
Yes, but only if they began HRT before puberty
No, transgender and non-binary athletes should compete in a separate category.
No and sports should be separated by skill level and not by sex
Shouldn't be a choice by government
There should not be any separate competitions based on sex, every athlete should compete together.
Should have own league and compete against what gender they are.
a trans man should be playing a mans sport not a girl sport
depends based on physical equity
Transgender athletes should compete in their own divisions
No, but this should be up to sports organizations to enforce, not the government
Yes, but only for those participating in non-professional sports and whose hormone levels are equivalent to those in the gender category in which they compete. I believe that transgender women should not be allowed to compete on gender-based teams in high-stakes competitions such as the Olympics. According to current research, even after undergoing hormone therapy, trans women retain an advantage in muscle mass and strength. These long-term studies clearly show that transgender women would have a competitive advantage when participating in the female category of sport.
I really don’t care at all
Individual athletic organizations should come up with their own rules on how to allow transgender athletes to participate without giving them an unfair advantage/disadvantage.
Yes, and athletic groupings should be based on ability, not gender
The event organizers should be the only ones to have any say in this, and athletics events should receive no public funding or advertising
Yes, but only in trans-specific divisions.
They should ideally have a league to compete in unto their own.
Depending on their physical capabilities I think they should, but they should be equal to the other athletes
Transgender athletes should either compete based on their biological sex, or in a separate category.
Yes. All athletes should have the opportunity to compete according to their biological sex.
No they’re cross dressing freaks. Grow up. Get help.
Yes if separate categories are created.
This should be the choice of the commissioner of the sport
No, transgender athletes should be given their own league or a "gender-neutral" league
They should be able to compete but will need to change in a different locker area than everyone else.
No and ban "Sex reassignment surgery"
Yes/No they should only participate with other transgender or with their biological equals.
depends on how comfortable both the transgender athlete and the other athletes are with each other
Individual athletic organizations should come up with their own rules on how to allow transgender athletes to participate without giving them an unfair advantage/disadvantage. The governing bodies should also have oversight committees to ensure no individual or class of athlete is unfairly burdened by these rules or policies.
Regardless, we should sexually desegregate athletics
Athletic event companies should be allowed to allow whichever athletes they want to allow to compete in their competitive athletic competition events for athletes...
Yes, but they should compete in a separate category
Yes, but if it occurs that the person makes the decision to revert back to their biological gender in the future, any awards, titles, championships, prize monies, etc earned as a result of their competing as their formerly identified gender, will need to be forfeited (including team titles, championships, etc.)
Yes, as long as they pass the same tests that sis gendered people must pass
Transgender athletes should be allowed to compete in their own league at more competitive levels. For things like school sports they should be allowed to compete.
Yes, this should be the decision of the hosts of the competitions, not a government mandate
No, but allow transgender athletes to compete in their own sections just for trans-men and trans-women
Yes, based on a state or school division stance on the matter not for the federal government to decide.
Yes, but get rid of gendered sports in general if everything was merged this would be a non-issue
Regardless, the decision should be made by athletic organizations with no government involvement.
Yes, but in a separate transgender (non-binary) event.
Yes, as long as the particular league allows it.
I would say if they did do that it would have to be agreed with all of the other people that around them and in that area. I would just say make sure with everyone before you do it.
Yes, Sports shouldn’t be categorized by sex
They might need to create their own transgender leagues. It's a difficult situation because someone should not have an added advantage, but they should still be able to compete. That might mean that they have to start their own leagues, though.
Yes, and the separation of gender/sex in sports is sexist and unnecessary. There are plenty of women athletes that perform better than men but are held to different standards that change how their accomplishments are viewed.
Yes, but Physiological standards should be used to determine who competes against who rather than the binary male/female test used today.
They Should be in their own league.
A professional sport is played by professionals. It should not have any part in politics what so ever and should be left to the respected sports companies.
No and transitioning should be illegal
Yes, in gender neutral athletic competitions
No, only heterosexual and asexual Males, females and intersex people who identify as either cisgender or non-binary be allowed to compete in athletic events
Yes, but they should have their own athletic events separate from men or women.
If a trans athlete can prove that them competing will not create an unfair advantage to themselves, then yes. Otherwise competitions reserve the right to refuse them and force them to compete in their biological sex group.
Yes, but they should have their own league separate from gendered leagues.
Yes, but only if it is certain that they do not have an unfair advantage against other athletes.
Yes they should be aloud and go on either as a girl or boy depending on what they are identify themselves as.
No. Any person who does should be banned from all public sporting events for life.
Yes, but in the men's divisions.
Yes, as long as they meet the same requirements for those who are not transgender
Yes, but only after a certain amount of time spent on HRT.
No, but allow the playing of all sports by any gender against any gender
No, cisnormative gendered leagues should be abolished, there should be a general & cis-woman league then anyone can make their own with whatever regulations.
I dont think its fair because even if they have gone through the process of transition their bodies are still different and nothing against transgender people maybe in some special cases.
It should be a athletic association issue, not the government.
No, transgender athletes should compete against other transgender athletes in order to keep competition fair
it does not matter they should be able to go against whoever they want
Yes, but inly if the bone density is equivalent to those in the gender category in which they compete.
I feel as if that you’re transgender you’re automatically that gender whether you gone through the full thing over not
If you have a transgender woman who is wrestling, you wouldn't expect a 200 lb. 6'3" athlete to make a fair competition against a 170 lb. 5'6" cis gendered woman
No, it gives an unfair advantage or disadvantage
They should be allowed to compete in a transgender league
It is not the government's place to control athletic events. Leave the decision to the sport's leagues.
Government should not usurp authority for determining participation rules from sports organizations.
It’s sports. Do whatever you want.
Yes, because the federal government doesn't have the jurisdiction to say otherwise.
No, unless they have their own categories |man->female/female->man|, or want to compete with men (which would be tougher)
No, Transgender females will have had years or decades of male horomones during their early lives. This results in a severe inequality of phyiscal ability.
Yes, as long as they have been reasonably assessed to not have an unfair advantage due to being transgender
Yes, and end sexual segregation of sports (ie don't have men's leagues and women's leagues, have one league inclusive of all genders)
No, trans women have a physical advantage over Women
No, create separate gender-irrelevant athletic leagues
Regardless, this should be handled by the sports organization in question to allow or deny. The consumer can then decide to support or oppose.
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