Vaccine passports offer proof of immunity to people who have been inoculated with a vaccine. The concept gained traction after 2 vaccines were introduced to help combat the Coronavirus pandemic in November 2020. A vaccine passport would allow individuals to stop wearing masks if they could they have been inoculated and so aren’t a risk to others. Countries could require foreign visitors to have the passports in order to cross their border and restaurants, theaters and offices may make them mandatory in order to enter their premises. More than a dozen countries including Ghana and Nigeria currently require proof of vaccination against yellow fever before they are issued a visa.
Narrow down the conversation to these participants:
No that is unconstitutional and a violation of a person's rights.
No, this a violation of our freedoms
No, mandate the COVID vaccine instead
Regardless, the COVID-19 vaccine should be mandatory
No one should require the vaccine in order to travel.
No, let the issuer of the vaccine do so if they choose.
No, and Guillotine anybody who suggests we should
Yes, but as a matter of convenience for those wishing to travel.
Absolutely not; vaccine passports force people to get a vaccine--specifically the COVID19 vaccine, which is not FDA approved, and has no extensive data about its side effects or effectiveness. The government should not force people to participate in a clinical trial, even if its past multiple states of study and testing.
No, this is part of the vaccine global agenda. The government has no right to infringe on personal freedoms!
No, and ban the private sector from issuing or requiring vaccine passports.
No, vaccine passports are unconstitutional
Yes, until the pandemic is over as determined by the WHO
Yes, as long as it is up to individuals, businesses (or governments) to determine their own policy for allowing entry to non-vaccinated individuals. (i.e - it's your right to not get vaccinated, but it's my right to not serve you if you're not)
No, the vaccination only stops you from experiencing symptoms and does not prevent the spread of the virus.
Yes, but the option should be allowed to either have a vaccine passport or continue to wear a mask
Yes, but the option should be allowed to either have a vaccine passport or continue to wear a mask.
Yes, but only for international travel and everyone should still wear a mask.
No, people who are vaccinated should stay in their countries until the pandemic is over and the virus is containable
No - I own my body and the Government should not mandate vaccination or use other means to mandate vaccination.
No, this discriminates against people who are allergic to the vaccine or can't have it for other reasons
No because some people are allergic too it.
Controlling the movement of the people should be viewed as unconstitutional. Some countries ask you to get vaccines for malaria or yellow fever, but covid is similar to the flu. It’s can be deadly, but the flu claims thousands every year, but never require special identification to work, travel, or just enjoy life.