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 @ISIDEWITHvinculado…1 dia1D

Tragédia do trem Tempi: Partidos de oposição desafiam o governo no Parlamento


A heated debate is unfolding at the Greek Parliament on Tuesday, as leaders of opposition parties are challenging the conservative New Democracy government with its responsibiliti

 @ISIDEWITHvinculado…1 dia1D

Tempi Tragédia Grega: Dos Protestos em Massa ao Confronto Político


The Tempi railway disaster will dominate politics in Greece this week following the massive rallies by hundreds of thousands of people

 @ISIDEWITHvinculado…1 dia1D

Manifestantes se pronunciam em manifestações globais por justiça sobre o acidente ferroviário grego em Tempi.


At least 112 demonstrations were held internationally to mark the second anniversary of the Tempi rail crash deaths in Greece.