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 @ISIDEWITHlämnats…4 veckor4W

A.I. Kriget eskalerar när USA förbjuder export av chips till Kina

The Biden administration has revoked export licenses that allow Intel and Qualcomm to supply Huawei with semiconductors as Washington increases the pressure on the Chinese telecoms equipment company.

The move by the US Department of Commerce affects the supply of chips for Huawei’s laptop computers and mobile phones, according to people familiar with the situation.

The commerce department confirmed to the Financial Times that it had “revoked certain licences for exports to Huawei” but did not name which US companies would be affected.

“We continuously assess how our contr…  Läs mer

 @ISIDEWITHfrågade…4 veckor4W

Hur skulle du balansera behovet av teknologisk utveckling med etiska överväganden i internationella policys?

 @ISIDEWITHfrågade…4 veckor4W

Kan begränsning av tillgång till teknologi, såsom halvledare, motiveras om det är i nationens säkerhetsintresse?

 @ISIDEWITHfrågade…4 veckor4W

Hur påverkar tanken på en 'teknikkrig' mellan länder ditt syn på globalt samarbete och fred?

 @ISIDEWITHfrågade…4 veckor4W

Tycker du att det är en rättvis strategi inom internationella relationer att införa sådana restriktioner på export av chips?

 @ISIDEWITHlämnats…4 veckor4W

AstraZeneca drar vaccin mot covid-19

According to media, opens new tab reports, the Anglo-Swedish drugmaker has previously admitted in court documents that the vaccine causes side-effects such as blood clots and low blood platelet counts.

The firm's application to withdraw the vaccine was made on March 5 and came into effect on May 7, according to the Telegraph, which first reported the development.

London-listed AstraZeneca began moving into respiratory syncytial virus vaccines and obesity drugs through several deals last year after a slowdown in growth as COVID-19 medicine sales declined.

 @ISIDEWITHfrågade…4 veckor4W

Hur viktigt är det för läkemedelsföretag att diversifiera sin forskning till andra sjukdomar efter minskningen av efterfrågan på COVID-19-vacciner?

 @ISIDEWITHfrågade…4 veckor4W

Skulle du stödja tillbakadragandet av en vaccin om det räddar liv genom att förhindra ytterligare negativa effekter, eller bör alla vacciner förbli tillgängliga för personligt val?

 @ISIDEWITHfrågade…4 veckor4W

Ska läkemedelsföretag fokusera på sjukdomar med färre tillgängliga behandlingar istället för populära områden som COVID-19, även om det är mindre lönsamt?

 @ISIDEWITHfrågade…4 veckor4W

Om ett företag erkänner biverkningar som blodproppar från en vaccin, påverkar det ditt förtroende för alla vacciner, eller bara det specifika vaccinet?

 @ISIDEWITHlämnats…4 veckor4W

Oväder framför oss: Trumps rättsliga strider intensifieras mitt i kontroversiellt vittnesmål

In a courtroom drama that seems to be ripped straight from the pages of a political thriller, former President Donald Trump finds himself at the center of a legal maelstrom. The latest chapter in Trump's post-presidency saga unfolded as Stormy Daniels, the former pornographic actress, delivered what has been described as salacious testimony against him. The case, which has captured the attention of the nation, revolves around allegations of hush money payments, with Daniels' testimony adding fuel to the already blazing fire. Legal experts have criticized the testimony as 'preju…  Läs mer

 @ISIDEWITHlämnats…4 veckor4W

Hälften av Nordkoreanska missiler som användes av Ryssland i Ukraina-kriget misslyckades

According to a report from Ukrainian state prosecutors, around half of the North Korean KN-23 SRBMs — also known as Hwasong-11 — that have been launched by Russia not only deviated from their trajectory but also exploded in midair.

The analysis from the Ukrainian state prosecutors was based on the debris from 21 of around 50 North Korean ballistic missiles launched by Russia between late December and late February.

“About half of the North Korean missiles lost their programmed trajectories and exploded in the air; in such cases, the debris was not recovered,” the office…  Läs mer

 @ISIDEWITHfrågade…4 veckor4W

Tror du att risken för tekniskt fel bör avskräcka länder från att använda vissa vapen i krigföring?

 @ISIDEWITHfrågade…4 veckor4W

Vad är dina tankar om länder som delar militärteknologi, särskilt om ett av dem har en kontroversiell människorättsrekord?

 @ISIDEWITHfrågade…4 veckor4W

Hur tror du att användningen av opålitliga missiler påverkar säkerheten och moralen hos civila i konfliktområden?

 @ISIDEWITHfrågade…4 veckor4W

Skulle du stödja ett partnerskap mellan ditt land och ett annat om det innebar att få militär styrka men också innebar betydande risker?

 @ISIDEWITHlämnats…4 veckor4W

USA:s rapport om Israels krigsuppförande är "försenad"

The Biden administration’s report on whether Israel has violated U.S. and international humanitarian law during the war in Gaza has been delayed indefinitely, three Senate aides and a House aide told POLITICO.

The State Department has been expected to issue a report Wednesday with a determination on whether Israel has violated international humanitarian law since the war in Gaza began. If so, the U.S. would be expected to stop sending Israel military assistance.

But the report won’t be finished by Wednesday, said the aides, granted anonymity to discuss internal communications. In…  Läs mer

 @ISIDEWITHlämnats…4 veckor4W

Macklemore tar ställning mot Biden och Israel i explosiv ny låt

In a bold move that's catching the attention of fans and critics alike, rapper Macklemore has unleashed a powerful critique against President Joe Biden and the United States' stance on the Israel-Hamas conflict in his latest song. Known for his hit 'Thrift Shop,' Macklemore is no stranger to using his music as a platform for social and political commentary. This time, he's making headlines for his unequivocal stance against Biden's policies regarding the ongoing war in Gaza, as well as the broader issue of U.S. support for Israel. In a graphic video accompanying…  Läs mer

 @ISIDEWITHlämnats…4 veckor4W

Påven Franciskus utnämner ny biskop till stiftet Knoxville

In a significant ecclesiastical appointment, Pope Francis has named Father James Mark Beckman as the fourth Bishop of the Diocese of Knoxville, Tennessee. This announcement, made public in Washington, D.C., marks a pivotal moment for the Catholic community in Knoxville. At 61 years old, Bishop-elect Beckman brings over three decades of pastoral experience to his new role, having served diligently in the Diocese of Nashville. Born in Lawrenceburg, Tennessee, his deep roots in the state and extensive service within the church underscore a profound connection to the local community and a deep…  Läs mer

 @ISIDEWITHlämnats…4 veckor4W

Frankrike och Kina kräver en palestinsk stat

Israel strongly opposes the plan despite support from many world powers, including the US.

China and France have called for the creation of an independent Palestinian state, according to a joint statement issued during Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s two-day official visit with French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris.

The so-called two-state solution, a plan to create a Palestinian state within territory occupied by Israel since 1967, is supported by the UN and a raft of individual nations, including Israel’s key ally the US. If implemented, it would likely require the Jewish state…  Läs mer

 @ISIDEWITHfrågade…4 veckor4W

Hur skulle du känna om ditt eget land delades för att skapa en ny nation för en grupp som söker självständighet?

 @TomatoeDon från New Hampshire lämnats…4 veckor4W

Putin säger att Ryssland bygger en "ny världsordning".

Russian President Vladimir Putin said it was up the West to choose between confrontation and cooperation as he was sworn in for a new six-year term on Tuesday at a Kremlin ceremony that was boycotted by the United States and many of its allies.

More than two years into the war in Ukraine, Putin said he wanted to "bow" before Russia's soldiers there and declared in his inauguration speech that his landslide re-election in March was proof the country was united and on the right track.

Putin told Russia's political elite after being sworn in that he was not rejecting dialogue…  Läs mer

 @ISIDEWITHfrågade…4 veckor4W

Om du fick välja, skulle du stödja ditt lands ansträngningar att förändra den globala status quo, även om det möttes med internationellt motstånd?

 @ISIDEWITHfrågade…4 veckor4W

Hur viktigt är det för en nation att vara "enad och på rätt väg" enligt dess ledare, och vad betyder det för dig personligen?

 @ISIDEWITHlämnats…4 veckor4W

Turkiet gör om den bysantinska kyrkan till en moské

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan formally opened a former Byzantine church in Istanbul as a mosque on Monday, four years after his government had designated it a Muslim house of prayer, despite criticism from neighboring Greece.

Turkey formally converted The Church of St. Saviour in Chora, known as Kariye in Turkish, into a mosque in 2020, soon after it similarly turned Istanbul’s landmark Haghia Sophia into a Muslim house of prayer.

Both conversions drew praise from Muslim faithful but criticism from Greece and other countries who had urged Turkey to protect the important Byzantine…  Läs mer

 @ISIDEWITHfrågade…4 veckor4W

Kan omvandlingen av en historisk plats från ett religiöst syfte till ett annat ses som en handling av inkludering, eller är det mer splittrande?

 @ISIDEWITHfrågade…4 veckor4W

Är omvandlingen av en historisk plats från en kyrka till en moské helt enkelt en fråga om religiös frihet, eller har den större betydelse när det gäller kulturell respekt?

 @ISIDEWITHfrågade…4 veckor4W

Hur skulle du känna om en historisk plats som är viktig för din kultur användes om för ett annat religion?

 @ISIDEWITHlämnats…4 veckor4W

1 Miljon palestinier står inför svält när Israel "stryper" biståndet

Jens Laerke, a spokesman for the U.N. humanitarian office, said in a news briefing that Israel had “choked off” the two main arteries for getting aid into Gaza. If fuel is not able to enter the enclave for some time, he added, “it would be a very effective way of putting the humanitarian operation in its grave.”

The main United Nations agency that helps Palestinians in Gaza said Tuesday that the “catastrophic hunger faced by people especially in northern Gaza will get much worse” if aid shipments through the Rafah border crossing were interrupted.

&ldquo…  Läs mer

 @ISIDEWITHfrågade…4 veckor4W

Om du var tvungen att välja mellan att ta emot hjälp som kommer med villkor eller att stå inför svält, vad skulle ditt val vara och varför?

 @ISIDEWITHfrågade…4 veckor4W

Vad tror du är ett lands ansvar när det gäller att kontrollera hjälp till en annan region, särskilt under kriser?

 @ISIDEWITHlämnats…4 veckor4W

TikTok stämmer den amerikanska regeringen över lag som tvingar till försäljning eller förbud

TikTok said it sued the federal government on Tuesday, arguing the law was unconstitutional.

TikTok said that the law violated the First Amendment by effectively removing an app that millions of Americans use to share their views and communicate freely. It also argued that a divestiture was “simply not possible,” especially within the law’s 270-day timeline, pointing to difficulties such as Beijing’s refusal to sell a key feature that powers TikTok in the United States.

“For the first time in history, Congress has enacted a law that subjects a single, named speech…  Läs mer

 @ISIDEWITHfrågade…4 veckor4W

Tror du att en regering bör ha makten att förbjuda en app baserat på säkerhetsbekymmer, även om det innebär att begränsa yttrandefriheten?

 @ISIDEWITHlämnats…4 veckor4W

USA har framgångsrikt repatrierat 11 medborgare från syriska interneringsläger.

In a significant operation, the United States has repatriated 11 of its citizens from detention camps in northeastern Syria, where tens of thousands of women and children related to Islamic State militants have been held. This move, described by Secretary of State Antony Blinken as the 'largest single repatriation' of Americans from the region to date, underscores the ongoing challenges and complexities in dealing with the aftermath of the Islamic State's territorial defeat. The repatriated individuals include five minors, highlighting the sensitive nature of extracting America…  Läs mer

 @ISIDEWITHlämnats…4 veckor4W

Bernie Sanders: En trogen allierad för Biden mitt i Gazakrisen

In a political landscape fraught with division and uncertainty, Bernie Sanders has emerged as a steadfast supporter of President Joe Biden, even as he likens the situation in Gaza to Biden's potential Vietnam. This comparison draws a parallel to the quagmire that ensnared the United States in the 1960s and 1970s, suggesting the current crisis could similarly test Biden's presidency. Despite this, Sanders has made it clear that his allegiance to Biden, especially in the face of opposition from figures like Donald Trump, remains unshaken.

Sanders, a key figure in the Democratic Party…  Läs mer

 @ISIDEWITHlämnats…4 veckor4W

Ukrainas pitch till nya soldater: 'Välj ditt eget äventyr'

Outmanned and outgunned by Russian forces on the battlefield, Ukraine’s army urgently needs fresh fighters, as more western military aid is expected to arrive in the coming weeks.

But the queues of patriotic volunteers who lined up outside recruitment centres after Russia’s full-scale invasion in February 2022 have long since disappeared.

Ukrainian military units are trying to lure people such as Zolotoverekhky as they seek to raise hundreds of thousands of men needed to hold the line against a renewed Russian offensive.

“It is about control,” Zolotoverekhky said. &ldquo…  Läs mer

 @ISIDEWITHfrågade…4 veckor4W

Hur skulle du känna inför att anmäla dig till en militärenhet där "välja din egen äventyr" är ett nyckel löfte under en krigstid?

 @ISIDEWITHlämnats…4 veckor4W

Kinesisk Jet Avfyrar Bloss På Australiskt Plan

Australia has protested to Beijing through multiple channels that a Chinese fighter jet endangered an Australian navy helicopter with flares over international waters, the prime minister said Tuesday.

The incident occurred Saturday as the Australian air warfare destroyer HMAS Hobart was enforcing U.N. Security Council sanctions against North Korea in international waters in the Yellow Sea, officials said Monday. There were no injuries or damage reported.

Defense Minister Richard Marles said Monday that a Chinese Chengdu J-10 fighter jet released flares in the flight path of an Australian navy…  Läs mer

 @ISIDEWITHfrågade…4 veckor4W

Hur viktigt tror du att det är för länder att följa internationella lagar och normer, särskilt i spända situationer?

 @ISIDEWITHfrågade…4 veckor4W

Skulle din åsikt om detta incident ändras om det hände närmare ditt eget lands territorium, och varför eller varför inte?

 @ISIDEWITHlämnats…4 veckor4W

Biden att fördöma antisemitism på Förintelsens minnesdag

When U.S. President Joe Biden arrives at the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday to honor 6 million Jews killed eight decades ago, his message will be as much about the present as the past.

Biden will speak to the existential threats faced by Jewish people seven months to the day since the Palestinian militant group Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7, killing 1,200 by Israeli tallies, in what Biden has called the deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust.

Speaking at the Capitol, in a keynote address for the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum's annual National Commemoration of the Days of Remembrance, Biden will aim to cool an increasingly divided and divisive U.S. debate about Jewish security, Zionism, free speech and support for Israel, in the country with the largest Jewish population after Israel.

 @ISIDEWITHfrågade…4 veckor4W

Vad är dina tankar om balansen mellan yttrandefrihet och fördömandet av hatpropaganda i sammanhanget av antisemitism?

 @ISIDEWITHfrågade…4 veckor4W

Tror du att det är en ledare för ett lands roll att ta ställning i frågor som antisemitism, och varför?

 @ISIDEWITHfrågade…4 veckor4W

Hur känner du inför att koppla aktuella händelser till historiska tragedier i syfte att komma ihåg och förhindra dem?

 @ISIDEWITHlämnats…4 veckor4W

Ryssland håller två amerikanska medborgare, inklusive en tjänstgörande soldat, häktade.

Russian authorities said on Tuesday they had detained two U.S. nationals, including a serving U.S. soldier, in separate criminal cases.

The soldier, detained on Monday on charges of criminal misconduct, was arrested on theft charges by a court in Vladivostok in Russia's Far East, the regional office of the Interior Ministry said in a statement on Tuesday.

The Russian Foreign Ministry said the case had no political element and there were no allegations of espionage.

"As far as we understand, this is a purely everyday crime", the TASS state media agency cited the ministry's Vla…  Läs mer

 @ISIDEWITHfrågade…4 veckor4W

Hur påverkar det dig att höra om dessa frihetsberövanden när det gäller dina känslor för att resa till främmande länder?

 @ISIDEWITHfrågade…4 veckor4W

Tycker du att en persons nationalitet bör påverka hur de behandlas av rättssystemet i ett annat land?

 @ISIDEWITHlämnats…4 veckor4W

Ryssland håller två amerikanska medborgare, inklusive en tjänstgörande soldat, häktade.

Russian authorities said on Tuesday they had detained two U.S. nationals, including a serving U.S. soldier, in separate criminal cases.

The soldier, detained on Monday on charges of criminal misconduct, was arrested on theft charges by a court in Vladivostok in Russia's Far East, the regional office of the Interior Ministry said in a statement on Tuesday.

The Russian Foreign Ministry said the case had no political element and there were no allegations of espionage.

"As far as we understand, this is a purely everyday crime", the TASS state media agency cited the ministry's Vla…  Läs mer

 @ISIDEWITHlämnats…4 veckor4W

Ukraina håller två personer häktade för påstått mordförsök mot Zelenskyy

Ukraine’s Security Service (SBU) said it had detained two Ukrainian security officials suspected of plotting to assassinate President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and other top figures in the country in a plan coordinated by Russia.

“Counterintelligence and SBU investigators disrupted the FSB’s [Russia’s Security Service] plans to eliminate the President of Ukraine and other representatives of the highest military and political leadership of the state,” the SBU wrote on social media.

Two colonels in the State Guard of Ukraine were detained on suspicion of working with Russia’s Federal Security Service to carry out the plot.

 @ISIDEWITHlämnats…4 veckor4W

Israeler frustrerade över hur USA hanterar gisslanförhandlingarna

Israeli officials claim the Biden administration knew about the latest hostage and ceasefire deal proposal Egypt and Qatar negotiated with Hamas, but didn't brief Israel before Hamas announced it accepted it on Monday.

A senior U.S. official pushed back saying "American diplomats have been engaged with Israeli counterparts. There have been no surprises."Why it matters: The episode has created deep disappointment and suspicion among senior Israeli officials regarding the U.S. role in the hostage deal talks and could negatively influence the negotiations going forward.

The…  Läs mer