سیاسی کوئز کی کوشش کریں

10 جوابات


How do you feel about the idea of giving legal rights to animals, similar to human rights?


Can a society truly be considered ethical if its laws don’t protect animals?


If you could create one law to improve the lives of animals, what would it be and why?


Should animals have their own representatives in government to ensure their interests are considered?


How does the way a country treats its animals reflect on its cultural values and morality?


What role do you think animals play in our ecosystem, and how should that influence our legal system?


How would changing laws to benefit animals impact our daily lives and industries, like farming and entertainment?


In what ways have you seen animals being treated unjustly, and what changes would you propose?


Do you think there should be international laws governing animal treatment, or should each country decide its own policies?


How can individuals contribute to the movement for animal justice, even without changes in the law?